A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men
Judges Series
Pastor Val @ Renewal Church
Judges 7:1-8
Boasting is opposed to true faith, __________ its results.
_________—being hungry for honor and glory—is the cousin of boasting.
“Harod spring” – spring of trembling
The greatest spiritual danger there is—that we should believe that we can or have _________ ourselves.
“If you can _________ what’s going on in your ministry, then God didn’t do it,” Dr. Bob Cook
Pride after the battle robs God of glory, and fear during the battle robs God’s soldiers of courage and __________.
“Give me a hundred men who fear nothing but sin and love nothing but God, and I will shake the gates of hell!” John Wesley
We never know when God is testing us in some __________ experience of life. 1 Sam. 14:6
Numbers are no ________________ of God’s blessing. Leviticus 26:8; Deuteronomy 32:30
God does not save through _____________ means or strength.
Reasons Why God Reduced the Number of Troops
(1) ______________of God (7:2).
(2) ___________ Gideon’s fear.
(3) Limited numbers of troops would not allow Israel to __________ victory for itself.
My Weakness, His Strength 2 Corinthians 12:7-9.
God does not simply work in spite of our weakness but ___________ of it.
How does this truth apply in our lives?
- it is the basis for ___________ itself.
- this principle explains how _______________ works. (Luke 7:47).
- it explains how we almost always _________ as Christians.
My Take Aways from Today’s Message
- A faith that can’t be tested can’t about be ___________.
- God’s testing shows us whether our faith is _________ or counterfeit.
- God’s testing strengthens our faith for the ___________ He’s set before us.
“The promises of God shine brightest in the furnace of affliction.” Charles Spurgeon
Steps to Renewal (A Few Good Men)
- What leadership qualities did Gideon display?
- What important lesson did God teach Gideon and Israel through these events?
- In what circumstances do we tend to depend on ourselves?
- *How should a Christian’s perspective of life’s challenges differ from a nonbeliever’s?
- When have you ever faced a challenge that seemed too big to handle?
- Have there been times in your life when God has weakened you so you can see more clearly that he is the one who saves? How does this move you to praise him?
- Have there been times when God has weakened you and then worked through your weakness? How does this move you to praise him?
- How often do you spend time sorrowing over your sin so that you can appreciate more fully God’s forgiveness? How does doing this move you to love him?
Next Steps to Renewal
- *What specifically can you do to depend on the Lord for help?
- What can you do today to give the Lord credit for victories you have experienced in your life recently?